
parent engagement

The Impact of Mental Health on Education in Alabama’s Black Community


Mental health is a critical component of overall well-being, and its impact on education is profound, especially within the Black community in Alabama. Historical and systemic challenges have contributed to mental health disparities, affecting academic performance and educational outcomes. Mental Health Challenges in the Black Community Historical Trauma and Systemic Inequities: Historical trauma and ongoing systemic inequities have had lasting effects on the mental health of the Black community. Issues such as discrimination, economic disparities, and limited access to mental health care exacerbate stress and anxiety levels. Stigma Around Mental Health: There is a significant stigma surrounding mental health issues within [...]

The Impact of Mental Health on Education in Alabama’s Black Community2024-07-23T12:13:15-05:00

Empowering Black Alabamians: The Power of Parent Engagement in Alabama Schools


In the vibrant tapestry of Alabama's education landscape, the role of parent engagement is paramount. For Black Alabamians, active involvement in their children's education is not just a choice; it's a powerful tool for shaping a brighter future. In this blog, we'll explore the benefits of parent engagement, discuss how to do it right, and understand the essence of parent engagement itself. Understanding Parent Engagement: Parent engagement is more than just attending parent-teacher conferences or school events. It is a holistic approach that involves parents actively participating in their child's learning journey. This includes supporting academic endeavors, fostering a positive learning [...]

Empowering Black Alabamians: The Power of Parent Engagement in Alabama Schools2024-01-16T12:22:02-06:00
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